Profile Enchanter
AI-Powered Internal Profile Optimization Tool
2 months (Ongoing)
AI-Driven Design
UI Design
UX Design
User Research
The project aims to enhance profile completeness of employees within internal system while leveraging AI technology. The aim is to empower consultants to efficiently manage their profiles and optimize the staffing process. The platform provides clear visibility into missing sections and offers personalized feedback for improvement. With a focus on engagement and efficiency, the project helps the profile management and resource allocation within the platform ecosystem.
Final Result
Increase the completeness of consultants internal profile and improving efficiency in project allocation while helping People Leads to identify CV/Profile gaps easily via comprehensive view of consultants profiles.
Research and Analysis
I joined the project after the initial version, created by developers, which was very text-heavy and lacked design elements. To improve the user experience, I conducted research on the current state by creating an "as-is" journey map to identify pain points and opportunities. I collaborated with the team and potential users to pinpoint key challenges and limitations. Additionally, I analyzed our internal profiles to understand the value of different information types and conducted guerrilla interviews with potential users. This research led to the formulation of "how might we" questions to guide the design process.
As-Is Journey Map
Based on the research and analyses I created HMW questions.
- HMW create a system that enhances the visibility and completeness of consultants' profiles?
- HMW assist consultants in understanding and filling the gaps in their profiles effectively and create profiles based on companies' criteria?
- HMW empower People Leads to efficiently assess and manage consultant availability and skill gaps in real-time?
- HMW design a feedback system that encourages consultants to refine and complete their CVs seamlessly
- HMW make the profile completion process engaging and less time-consuming for consultants?
The design process was anchored in best UX/UI practices to transform the initial text-heavy product into an intuitive and engaging tool. Starting with lo-fi wireframing, I crafted initial layouts to visualize the structure and flow. These wireframes were iterated upon based on feedback from team members and potential users.

To ensure consistency and scalability, I developed a comprehensive component library. This facilitated streamlined design updates and maintained visual coherence across the platform. Incorporating AI support for qualitative feedback, I designed new UI layouts that seamlessly integrated AI functionalities.
UI Changes
Design Process (Excluding Prior Research and Analysis)
AI Integration and User Flow for Seppo AI
Building on the design foundation, the AI capabilities were integrated using a building block approach. Due to limitations, the AI process is manual and user-controlled, ensuring privacy and precise interaction. The flow and screenshots below illustrate how users can leverage AI to enhance their profiles while maintaining control over their data.
Step 1
What action user wants from Seppo AI? [Action]
These actions can be removed, added or changed based on AI capabilities by the development team.

Example Actions:
Check Against Criteria
Translate to Finnish
Translate to German
Translate to English
Step 2
What user want to [Action]? [Section]
Sections can be increased or changes based on the AI capabilities.
Internal introduction
Project Description
Role Description
Sales Pitch
Step 3
(Optional)For which project user want [Action]? [Sub-Section]
For any selections that have sub-sections.
Step 4
AI Receives The Prompt Based on User Action and Provides Answer
Answer for [Action] of their [Section]  (Optional/If only Project or Role Description Selected)for [Sub-Section]
Example: “Translation to German” of their “Internal Introduction”
Example: “Check against criteria” of their “Role Description” for “Other Project B”
Step 5
User leaves feedback or/and Asks for recreate the Answer/or starts from beginning
This step will be used for feedback/training.
The project is currently at the Proof of Concept (POC) stage. Moving forward, extensive usability testing is essential to refine the user experience and ensure the tool meets user needs effectively. Continuous feedback collection from both consultants and People Leads will be crucial in identifying areas for improvement and iterating on the design.

Additionally, the AI processes need close observation and assessment to enhance their accuracy and relevance. This includes monitoring user interactions with AI functionalities, gathering feedback on AI performance, and making necessary adjustments to improve the overall effectiveness of the tool.Ongoing development and user engagement will be key to transitioning from the POC stage to a fully functional, robust product that delivers significant value to its users.